Sandra’s friends Vern and Monica came to visit us from California. I like them because they gave me a lot of good rubs on the head and some belly scratches too. They just got married the weekend before and will be moving to the east coast soon. I’m glad I got to meet them before thay moved.

I think they had a good time here because they smiled and laughed a lot. They came for something called Spring Training. I don’t know what that is but Vern came back with a nice white ball that I wouldn’t have minded chewing on.

Vern really liked to fish too. Even though it was raining I spent some good times watching him and tring to bite the fishes he caught. He and Monica even took the pedal boat out to go fishing. They looked funny peddaling around the lake.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Hi Coco…..We had a great time with you and can’t believe how big you are getting since December the last time I was out. You are always welcome to come visit us in Virginia after we move so tell your mommy and daddy to bring you. (Stay out of the pool you might catch a cold).

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